
Portraiture is at the forefront of traditional art available through Phantom Fine Art.  A hand painted portrait should be a celebration of the life of the individual.  Contact us today to discuss your custom painted portrait.

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Traditional Fine Art

We follow centuries of tradition in the creation of each piece of art.  While the 20th Century art world rejected academia, we have embraced it.  We practice time honored techniques no longer taught in the majority of classrooms today.

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Above all else, craftsmanship is #1.  Museum quality is the standard.  That said, not everything at Phantom Fine Art is High Art.  However, we aim to promote the high level of craftsmanship that governed the art world for centuries.  We enjoy a variety of interests, but quality and craftsmanship is a must.

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Our Philosophy

Art is a form of communication.  All the arts do this differently, but at the core is an expression of thoughts, ideas and emotions.  If the art fails to communicate effectively, it may still be art, but it's not very good art.  If you stand in front of a painting and say to yourself, "I don't get it," you are are not to blame for that.  That painting failed to communicate to you.  That artist failed to communicate their idea.

Unfortunately there is a lot of bad art today.  Much of the general public has lost interest in fine art due to the over-intellectual attitude that came to surround art in the 20th century.  It would be the equivalent of creating a new and unique language, writing a novel using this language, then criticizing the general public for not learning this language and appreciating the creativity of the novel.

Defining art can certainly lead down a slippery slope.  The execution of the art is a completely different matter.  Ultimately its the combination of the idea and the execution which combined determine if the art is good or not.  We don't mean to reject new ideas on art.  Quite the opposite.  However, our feeling is that when these new ideas are expressed through traditional techniques and high levels of craftsmanship, the result is a powerful piece of art.


Purchases and Commissions

Not everything on this website is available for purchase, but if you are interested in purchasing anything here or commissioning your own unique piece of "outlaw" art, please contact us via the information below.